Been a busy week; started doing some appraisals again. Haven't had much time to post!
Asher is doing great; growing, eating, etc. He is (kind of) sleeping through the night. He doesn't wake up at 3 am anymore, just midnight(ish) and then 6 am. So, I usually get 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Yay! He is still ultra congested from his cold 2 weeks ago; hopefully that can clear up. And does anyone have a magic formula for getting rid of cradle cap? I'd love to hear it, Asher's just won't go away.
We've been working on potty training Jon Jon; I was so convinced he was trained, I even posted it on facebook! And then tonight, he pooped his panties. Sorry, I mean underwear! So, a little more work to go with it, but we are almost there!
Taylor is becoming quite the reader! We had a mother/daughter library date tonight. Adam stayed home with a napping Jon and Ash so I could take her. We got lots of books, but I think her favorite part was the little puppet theater. She put on a couple of cute little shows for me; she is so creative! The other day, she did a dance for me (wish I had recorded it!). It was something like this: She lays on the floor on her back, feet and legs waving in the air, while she sings: "I'm the grass, I'm the grass, blowing in the wind". Then she hops up, waving her arms around "I'm a butterfly, flying through the air". Then she starts spinning "I'm a leaf, blowing in the breeze, falling to the ground". Then she gently lays down on the ground. Can you tell she is in a creative dance class? So cute!
Took some photos of Tay this afternoon. I couldn't help myself, the lighting was just so great, and it wasn't too terribly cold. Here are a few of the ones I've edited so far:
(So far this is my favorite. We'll see how the rest turn out)

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