Thursday, September 30, 2010


No more ventilator! Ash is breathing on his own. They will keep adjusting oxygen until hopefully he won't need that, either. Rv and la lines are gone, also. Hopefully I can hold him this evening. Yay Asher!


  1. Yay, Asher!! Keep up the good work and progress and I hope you both get to enjoy some much needed mommy time!

  2. i'm so happy to hear Asher's off the vent! hooray!! :)

    a friend of mine just sent me the link to this blog. i have a son named Asher, who is also a heart kid. my asher has HLHS (no left ventricle or aorta). he is now 3.5 years old, has just started school, and is doing relatively (but remarkably) well now. :) i'll be following your blog, praying for your little man and you... and if you don't mind, can i put a link to your asher's blog on my son's?

    you're doing great so far. keep it up! :)


  3. :)
    Good job Asher!!!! :) Hope your night went well!

    Love you!
